Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Countdown's On

I cannot believe it is only 12 days until THE BIG DAY! Dear Lord. Training has flown by. This is the last week of intense workout and then we taper off until D Day on September 12. I've been running and biking and swimming galore this week and am feeling really strong. Health-wise, I'm well. The steroids have really bought me some time and I'm very grateful. However, tomorrow will be my last dose of the wonder drug and I'm anxious to see how I feel off of them. Pray that this calmed version of my colon lasts through the event.

I'm planning to swim tomorrow evening after work. Now that I'm working full time again, early morning workouts are especially brutal, so in an effort to maximize my energy, I'll be going for a 7pm dip instead of a 5am ride! I have to say, I'm totally happy with that decision. Saturday morning will be my last major bike ride until the event. Again, I could not be happier about that.

Blue Steel and I have definitely bonded on some levels. We groan at the same time, so I think that's a form of solidarity, and you know what, I'll take what I can get. I've actually come to like the little booger (my bike) and no longer plan to sell BS post race. Might even take him out for a spin every now and again. (seriously, I'll need some carrot to dangle in front of me as incentive, so if anyone has any bike dreams you're interested in living out, fill me in. I need the motivation).

Now it's time for bedtime. I go to bed at the same time as all local 3rd graders these days. Never would I have guessed I'd happily turn in my night-owl ways for lights out by 10. Growth folks. Major growth.

Sweet Dreams,

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