Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Roids

I never though I'd say this (especially after the stint I had with them as a 16-year-old) but I love steroids. And so does my compromised colon. We had a great workout yesterday! Did 22ish miles on the bike and ran 4 miles after. Best part, I felt GREAT. I am so thankful. It's a short dose of steroids- only 7 days- but the theory is that the quick shot will nip my Crohn's in the bud before it rages on too out of control. This is the nature of the beast but there is always that fear that after stopping the steroids, the beast will resurface, which based on the timing of this, would be almost right at race day. But we can't worry about tomorrow. So today, I'm grateful to God for making this treatment available and for my doctor who enthusiastically wrote the prescription.

I'm also thankful for the flat tire I had yesterday. I changed it all by myself, with moral support from a sweet teammate and a nice stranger who gave me a CO2 cartridge. I am so happy to know I can change a tire should that happen race day. Huge relief!

Today I swim. Going up to the SMU pool to practice in the big kid lane (50meters). It's exactly two weeks from today, that the big kid lane I'll be swimming in will be the Potomac River. Can't believe we're in the home stretch!


Friday, August 27, 2010


Once again I've fallen short on my blog. Which is sad because last weekend was AWESOME! I participated in my first triathlon! Our team did Take on the Heat in The Colony- a sprint tri. The distances were as follows:
350 meter swim
12.2 mile bike
3.2 run

I am happy to report I kicked that mother's butt to the tune of 1:36:01! I was surprised that my strongest showing was in swim, completing the distance in 8:44. Biking wasn't too shabby at 47 minutes and I held strong to my running pace, finishing it up at 34 minutes. It was a great showing and I have to say, I feel really proud.

Now the anxiety kicks in, which is two-fold. Firstly, I was EXHAUSTED after the event. Like, wrecked. And it has nothing to do with my nutrition. I was nutrient rich folks... it was just really hard. And since the big event is DOUBLE those lengths, I'm all aflame about that.

But secondly, and most frustratingly, I've had a bit of a health hiccup. I have a fun and fabulous little condition known as Crohn's Disease. And the sleeping monster has reared its ugly head this week. I've had a rough few days with very little exercise. I've started a round of steroids (no, not the kind that will bulk me up and induce rage and hair growth) so that should help. It is going to help. Come hell or high-water, me and my colon are crossing that finish line on September 12.

Tomorrow I'm biking for the first time this week. And running. I'm very excited to do it and I really hope I can keep it together. This event means a great deal to me. Prayers are appreciated.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Where Did the Week Go?

Well, I've been a delinquent blogger this week!!! If anyone actually reads this regularly, I apologize.

Its been a busy week, so I'll use that as my excuse for my online absence. Training is humming along per usual. Running and swimming and biking, oh my- everyday. Today, I'll be swimming at SMU to practice one more time in a 50meter lane before this Sunday...

What's happening Sunday? My first sprint triathlon! Our team is participating in Take on the Heat in The Colony (for non Dallas-ites, The Colony is a suburb of Dallas with a really creepy name... much like White Settlement, yes, that exits). ANYWAY. The sprint tri is Sunday morning bright and early. We'll swim 350 meters in a pool about 12 miles on bike and then a 5k run. Should be a great day. I'm excited to have another chance to practice all three events at once and of course, improve my transition time between each event!

Also, I just hope I can finish without vomiting or passing out. That is truly the main objective.

Happy Friday!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Third Times a Charm

Saturday morning was kind of a big deal. Big in that we did three mini-triathlons back to back. The distances for each tri were not that long at all, but putting three together, and practicing transitioning between each discipline in 90+ degree heat proved to be very challenging!

As you know, I'm generally intimidated by this entire process and am in an emotionally abusive relationship with my bike, BS, so I was surprised yesterday that my angst and frustration were not particularly directed at BS but rather at the transitions. Meaning, getting from the water to my bike and getting ready to bike. It's hard to gear up in an efficient manner! I have always prided myself on my ability to get ready quickly. I can get my hair washed and dried, makeup on and clothes styled in 30 minutes and actually look good.

But I cannot, for some reason, clean my feet, put on socks and tie my shoes in a timely manner. It may be an issue of space. In my day, I've lived in apartments the size of generous closets, but you'd never know it if you saw me scrambling to get ready to bike.

Here's the situation:
1. You hang your bike on a rack which is jam packed with everyone else bike- (I cannot even imagine how tight it will actually be in DC- yesterday was just our TNT team and it was cheek to jowl.)
2. You lay a small towel by you bike wheel which is touching the ground and set up all your gear.
3. On your tiny towel, you place your running/biking shoes, (for me they're the same, as I'm not using bike shoes to clip onto my bike) socks, helmet, gloves, sunglasses, nutrition, etc. Basically anything you need for the biking portion and ultimately the running portion.

This all looks fine and dandy before you enter the water. But, when you emerge from the grungy lake water, run to your station, rip of your aquatic accessories and scramble to clean your feet and prepare for a dry activity, that little towel looks like it's mocking you- I swear, my towel was laughing at me yesterday as I stumbled trying to put my sock on one clean foot while balancing on the filthy one.

By the third round, the transitions were improving for me. I was able to consistently complete each tri in the same neighborhood of time, and I felt strong afterward-Mostly, grateful to have practiced. In order to keep my momentum up for having awesome transitions, I have decided to start timing my showers and laying out my clothing, just to see how fast I an really be- I'll keep you posted.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

If You Need Extra Protein in Your Diet

If you need extra protein in your diet, consider riding around White Rock Lake in the early morning with your mouth open. The gnats you'll consume are enough to nourish anyone. I feel like a greedy frog.

So, obviously, I rode this morning. And it was fine. BS and I are getting along well this week. We're still the tortoise, bringing up the tail end, but regardless, we're moving along at a consistent clip, and I just have to evolve to the point where I'm OK with that. This is a race against myself and not anyone else.

If only I could be more pleasant while riding. As always, my thoughts drifted between the serious aspects of my life and the more trivial. And today's trivial, albeit entertaining thought, was this: if I were a character in "Animal House" (and this is as it pertains to working out, not socializing) I'd be Douglas Needermeir. As we learn at the end of the film, his platoon mutinied and killed him in Vietnam. That's how pleasant I am, folks, to my teammates. If we were trapped in the jungle on our bikes, they might consider taking me out for the morale of the whole. I have GOT to get out of my head and realize that when people ask me how training is going, they aren't implying I suck... that's all me and my crazy.

Last night we had an open water swim out at Lake Ray Hubbard... what a clean body of water that is. It was also approximately a bagillion degrees. But, all and all, I did just fine. My sighting has improved and I finished the workout. This of course, was after a mini-temper tantrum to one of the nicest mentors TNT has provided in which I think I said something along the lines of "I'm totally screwed. I quit." If I had had dry land beneath my feet, I would have stomped and kicked and made other pronouncements like a petulant three-year-old. It's all very charming.

Point of these wonderful insights into my team-player abilities is to say, even though I'm a bit of a handful, I think I'm growing. Admission is the first part of recovery.

As for recovery this morning, it will involve almonds, prayer and a shower.

Happy Tuesday,

Also, please visit my official Team In Training page to donate today- after all, supporting LLS and helping save lives what this is all about!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Weekend Update

Let's see... Saturday morning did a trip around the lake with BS. It really wasn't that bad... did some hills and got about 15 miles in a hour. And that's probably a good pace for me to focus on. If I'm able to do that race day, the biking portion will take me approximately 1hr. 4omin, and I can live with that and still be ready to run.

And there was running on Saturday as well. Did 4 miles in 45min. I'm very thankful that my treadmill time seems to be translating nicely to road time. THANK GOD. It is so helpful to feel capable at one of these disciplines!

Today, I did a 30 minute jog on the treadmill, since it's to hot to move outdoors, and got 3.5 miles in. Felt good. Glad I did it. Tomorrow we have another open water swim. Which is terrifying but excellent. It's a whole different ballgame out in the open water. Very Hitchcock-esque- hello Vertigo.

Happy Sunday,

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Oh, Blue Steel

I love that my bike's initials are BS (for Blue Steel).

I think BS is starting to retaliate against me and my feelings of hatred toward him. He's started squeaking... almost comically. And sometimes, humiliatingly.

It's the breaks... they're loud. Each stop, you can hear me coming from WAY off. Which is probably good in some ways- I always have plenty of room and no one doubts my location. However, I hate the attention-draw. I'm not a fan of people looking at me, pretty much ever, so when Blue Steel starts howling at my insistence for him to slow down, heads turn. Looks like we'll be making another trip up to our therapist, aka, Richardson Bike Mart, to get the breaks all good and lubed.

I did however make it around the lake twice today, threw in a few hills and residential streets, so we're looking at close to 20miles... I guess I can't totally fault BS for groaning a little.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Should I Consider Competative Eating?

Did I really just run 45 minutes without stopping? I'm not sure if I should be proud or terrified. One thing is for certain... I'm exhausted. Ran and then swam today, per our schedule's assignment. Today I logged 4.5 miles running and 1500 meters swimming.

In order to prepare for this feat, I ate accordingly. Truth be told, I've been struggling with my nutrition during training. I'm required to eat a boatload of calories each day including scary foods like fat-dense nuts and dreaded carbohydrates... lots and lots of carbs! But, if you don't eat like you should, you start to feel funky and then, you can't preform.

So, today, I ate 15 pancakes in two sittings- one stack at 8:00am and another at 10:30am. I also enjoyed 4 pieces of turkey bacon. I drank a gatorade, 4 cups of coffee and had a few glasses of water. For lunch, I had hummus and pita bread, a large cheeseburger and fries and a cappuccino. I had another gatorade before I worked out and some almonds. Between running and swimming, I had half a luna bar and for dinner I had steak nachos from Mi Cocina. I'm finally full. And already looking forward to breakfast.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

This Week

So far, so good. Had a great swim outdoors yesterday at SMU's 50meter pool- always helpful to get in a longer lane. It's so weird how that longer trek makes you tired- even when you're doing the same distance you cover in a 25 meter pool. Obviously, it's very beneficial to practice.

Also, had a nice ride this morning. Made it around the lake twice and took on a few hills. For the first time, I was thrilled to be riding at 5:45am - it's so hot here. Riding any later would be suicide.

Happy Tuesday,