Sunday, August 15, 2010

Third Times a Charm

Saturday morning was kind of a big deal. Big in that we did three mini-triathlons back to back. The distances for each tri were not that long at all, but putting three together, and practicing transitioning between each discipline in 90+ degree heat proved to be very challenging!

As you know, I'm generally intimidated by this entire process and am in an emotionally abusive relationship with my bike, BS, so I was surprised yesterday that my angst and frustration were not particularly directed at BS but rather at the transitions. Meaning, getting from the water to my bike and getting ready to bike. It's hard to gear up in an efficient manner! I have always prided myself on my ability to get ready quickly. I can get my hair washed and dried, makeup on and clothes styled in 30 minutes and actually look good.

But I cannot, for some reason, clean my feet, put on socks and tie my shoes in a timely manner. It may be an issue of space. In my day, I've lived in apartments the size of generous closets, but you'd never know it if you saw me scrambling to get ready to bike.

Here's the situation:
1. You hang your bike on a rack which is jam packed with everyone else bike- (I cannot even imagine how tight it will actually be in DC- yesterday was just our TNT team and it was cheek to jowl.)
2. You lay a small towel by you bike wheel which is touching the ground and set up all your gear.
3. On your tiny towel, you place your running/biking shoes, (for me they're the same, as I'm not using bike shoes to clip onto my bike) socks, helmet, gloves, sunglasses, nutrition, etc. Basically anything you need for the biking portion and ultimately the running portion.

This all looks fine and dandy before you enter the water. But, when you emerge from the grungy lake water, run to your station, rip of your aquatic accessories and scramble to clean your feet and prepare for a dry activity, that little towel looks like it's mocking you- I swear, my towel was laughing at me yesterday as I stumbled trying to put my sock on one clean foot while balancing on the filthy one.

By the third round, the transitions were improving for me. I was able to consistently complete each tri in the same neighborhood of time, and I felt strong afterward-Mostly, grateful to have practiced. In order to keep my momentum up for having awesome transitions, I have decided to start timing my showers and laying out my clothing, just to see how fast I an really be- I'll keep you posted.


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