Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Honeymoon is Over

Every relationship has a honeymoon phase. And it's a delightful phase. Everything is blissful and exciting and all that goodness. And then, the honeymoon ends, and you are resentful, and tired and generally irritated. And in this case, have incredibly sore ankles.

Yes, my honeymoon phase with the exercise has ended. And that's totally fine because now I'm really settling into the reality of the experience and getting in the trenches for real. And I have to say, it's hitting me hard. I am in dire need of new running shoes (which will be taken care of today). My ankles were hurting so badly last week I was CRAWLING around my apartment. My energy sucked, so I started to eat more heartily, so now I just feel fat and sore. I am sincerely hoping that is temporary.

Thankfully, I had a very good spin class today and it was nice to be back after the long weekend off. And I'm anxious to get back to the pool as I haven't been in the water (for a workout) in over a week.

I've been told, that typically, the best stuff comes after the honeymoon. The hard work pays off and you're left with a great outcome. I've never really made it that far but I have no plans to breakup with my training. However, therapy might be in order.


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