Saturday, June 19, 2010

Silence Isn't Golden

Tragedy struck whilst on the treadmill this morning. My ipod quit working - just needs to be charged but still. It just quit, right in the middle of the Flaming Lips favorite 'She Don't Use Jelly.' This was the mental equivalent of hitting the emergency stop button on the treadmill.

And it got me thinking about running in an actual race and not being able to use my ipod. I've really become reliant on that little guy. I NEED that music to push me through. And this of course got me thinking about wants and needs and how different they really are. In actuality I want my ipod when I run, but I don't need it.

It's like a blankey or any other "magical" item you might have had as a kid. You simply can't pass a test without your lucky pen or you couldn't possibly play a soccer game with your your specific hair tie. Well, my little ipod shuffle has become my blankey or binky or whatever that I can't possible run without.

And that's just ridiculous. Passing a test has nothing to do with the pen. And running a race has nothing to do with music. It's all about preparation. And that's why it's intimidating. We want to believe in a magical device or trick that makes things easier in life be it training for a triathlon or preparing for a test or just maintaining our relationships.

My favorite teacher in high school, Dr. Buchanan, gave us all Albert Einstein stickers right before we took our AP European History Exam. And I rubbed that little sticker for luck as if it were a holy relic. In fact, as I write this, I'm looking at that very sticker of Mr. Einstein, as I've saved it all these years. And I always keep it on my computer. For luck.

While I have no intention of giving up my sticker or my ipod for that matter, I do realize I don't need them- I want them. But wants be damned, I just need to prepare! Three miles today in 30 minutes is a good start.


1 comment:

  1. I don't think I can run without my ipod, either. I'm really dreading that part of attempting a 5K...running and having to listen to my panting!
