Thursday, May 13, 2010

Just LIke the Movies

So I had a Bridget Jones moment this morning. (one involving exercise, not vodka and cigarettes). We all remember Ms. Jones picking herself off her arse and starting to exercise, finding a new job and consequently, wooing Colin Firth (I'm not holding out for the third in that trio).

You might also remember in the film, the motivational, movie-montage moment set to "I'm Every Woman" where BJ falls off her spin bike. DON'T WORRY: I did not fall off my bike. I just related.

Yesterday was a bleh day. One where I felt totally exhausted, stressed, fearful and generally scrooge-like. But after a very, very delightful meeting with my Team in Training group and a great night sleep, I'm feeling like myself today. And like Bridget, I know this is all about kicking my own butt. I loved that movie so much because she wasn't rescued- she saved herself. And I intend to save myself from another scrooge day.

**Also, felt a slight tinge of "Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion" going on in class this morning. My favorite new work out pal is an old high school friend. We may have already had the 10 year, but it just reminded me of R & M's attempts to buff up in a short amount of time. I'm going to nominate crazy, early 90s work-out attire for our next spin.



  1. Peacock leggings, patchwork leotard, leg warmers and all?????

  2. You know it Staats! Claire, I was thinking we should do sweettart. Peacock leggings and pink bowback with white belt. Might need the ole Gilda wrap to cover our fannies! We would look so hot!

  3. I can't tell you how many times I've wished for my peacock pants back. Countless.
