Monday, May 17, 2010

Patience, Grasshopper

Yes, I had another blogging hiatus- nothing as traumatizing as the last break. I was simply out of town. Had a great run on Saturday on the treadmill AND outdoors! I definitely need to be hitting the pavement more frequently, but all and all, I was please with how I did. My running coach for the day really pushed me to go much further than I would have on my own, and while I'm still sore, I feel so much more confident!

But, today it was back to the water. I've said it before: the pool scares the bejezus out of me. But I think I've identified the problem. And that would be patience, or my lack of it. A good friend came to swim this morning and in addition to just being a great person to be around, said friend is also a seasoned tri-athlete and gave some amazing tips on improving my pool time. It's all about slowing down, taking the time to really reach through your stroke and BREATHING.

Wow. Hello life lesson for the day. Truly, tips that are applicable to everything, everything, everything I do. I spend so much time projecting and worrying about the future. Will I find a job? Where will I be in a year? What AM I DOING HERE? And of course, I don't have the answers to any of those questions. It's a forest through the trees situation folks. But, if I could just work on slowing down, reaching gradually through the choppy waters of my life and breathing, always breathing, I will ultimately reach a happy place -- an evolved place if you will. I also just might reach a very real finish line come September. Thanks, Coach A- you really helped today.


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