Friday, May 21, 2010

Peddling Uphill

Wrapping up week three of training and feeling relatively confident. I'm seeing changes in my endurance and physique (which is a nice added bonus) but I'm still very nervous about the entire process. I have yet to find a bike, and that's starting to really stress me out. And after last night's cycling 101, I'm honestly terrified of the biking aspect.

It's been along time since the word "torque" came up in conversation. The last time that happened, I was a junior in high school and totally digging pulley problems in my physics class. I actually really loved physics (my teacher had an STP poster- which was actually for Stone Temple Pilots but dork that I am, always assumed it was for Standard Temperature and Pressure- unbeknownst to me, Mr. Aames was a alternative geek). ANYWAY. Torque hasn't been something I've though of in awhile.

Nor was the Krebs Cycle something that came to mind, but after our little tutorial last night, I am aware that 1. torque, or force, is something I'll be thinking about a great deal going forward, 2. unless I peddle at 90RPMs I'm gonna get crampy (thank you lactic acid/Krebs) and 3. I have no idea how to operate a bike that doesn't have streamers coming out its handle bars.

It's alot to sort through. And on top of that, you know, I'm trying to figure out the rest of my life. I'd forgotten how rough unemployment can be. While I dig the time at home and the chance to workout whenever I want, it's getting a little claustrophobic in here. I find myself being desperate to make plans way in the future to secure some semblance of normalcy. I just watched 'Marley & Me' and can't quite calm down. Running to CVS for paper towels has been the highlight of the day and by the time the mailman shows up, I might just invite him in for a coke.

It's difficult to be excited about your off day on the workout schedule and Friday in general when everyday is like an off day. I know this will pass. And our big swim clinic tomorrow morning will assuredly kick my behind into gear and make me feel like I accomplished something, but today... today is a real butt-kick of a different kind.


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