Sunday, July 11, 2010

Open Water

So Saturday we had our first open water swim. Which was interesting. I am very grateful I've been practicing my stroke all this time as it's a whole new experience to get out in the water. Here are the things I learned:

1. I hope to God I am never shipwrecked.
2. The fear of alligator gar is almost paralyzing.
3. Spotting is not just a ballet term.

Seriously though, it did go well. I felt very strong in my swimming abilities however, I do not feel strong in my ability to swim straight. First lap around I almost found myself in the middle of the lake. However, by our last lap or two I was swimming a much more even keel and truthfully, was not too physically drained. Just emotionally.

I also had a flashback to childhood (which seems to happen an awful lot these days and makes me feel like I was a way more traumatized kiddo than I realized when it comes to "playing nicely") regarding some "coaching." I do not do well with encouragement when I am frustrated. After swimming way off course for the second time and exhausting myself trying to get reoriented, I did not take kindly to a team in training coach who was floating on a kyak mid course asking me "hey, you a new swimmer?" No, sir. I am not. I'm actually becoming quite a strong swimmer and if you ask me again if I'm struggling, I'm going to take your kyak paddle and stuff it somewhere you won't enjoy.

Thankfully I had a 70 minute run to do after getting my blood pressure up in the water so I left feeling very zen. Happy paddling.


1 comment:

  1. I am currently paralyzed with fear at my desk thinking of alligator gar. You are a brave, brave warrior woman!
